Letters from Home Equities


What's been happening in the office of Home Equities.

November was a busy month as we had the privilege of being the premium sponsor for the inaugural alumni dinner for the Sri Lankan medical college of Columbo. The event was held in the Star on the Gold Coast where we got to meet some great people and had lots of laughs on the night. We gave away some great prizes for the best performance for playing the board game “Operation”.

1st prize got an iPad, 2nd prize took home an apple watch and 3rd prize took home a google home play. There was music and dancing late into the night. We were all tired when we got back to Sydney but it was a great event and enjoyed by all.


Home Equities moved office further into the Balmain peninsula now located at 1/213 Darling St. Balmain.

If you are in the area be sure to pop in and say hello.


Brian – our principal mortgage broker took some time off to spend a week in the Gold Coast with his family.

He took the kids to Sea World and came back with the best sun tan an Irishman can get in the Australian heat.


Business as usual for December to get everyone into their homes by the holidays.

The team are looking forward to some down time after all the hard work throughout the year.

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